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Admission details

Mid-Year Admissions

Mid-year applications (sometimes called in-year applications) are any application for a school place made to a year group, apart from September admissions to Reception.  All mid-year applications should be made directly to the academy, using the mid-year application form available on the website below and / or from the school office. The completed forms and proof of address should be returned to the school office, either by hand or by email to admin@elmhall.essex.sch.uk. It is always a good idea to to contact the school to discuss an mid-year application as well as completing the form.

For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group. If it has not been possible to offer you a place, you do have the right of appeal against non-admission.

We will inform you of the outcome of your mid-year application in writing (via email) within 15 school days.

Please note: if a mid-year application is received during a school holiday period, we will respond as soon as possible when the school reopens.

Further information on mid-year applications may be found in the admission policies and on the Essex County Council website (www.essex.gov.uk/admissions)


Parents can appeal against the academy's decision not to offer their child a place at the academy. 

The academy has established arrangements for appeals against non-admission which will include an independent element. Appeals should be lodged with Essex County Council within 20 school days of the refusal letter. 

Appeals Timetable

Deadline for submitting an appeal forms
Appeals should be lodged with Essex County Council within 20 school days of the refusal letter.
  • For children starting primary school from September 2023: the deadline to lodge an appeal with Essex County Council is 17 May 2023
  • To lodge an appeal online click here
Appeal Hearing
You will receive a letter with the appeal hearing date and time within 30 days for mid-year appeals and 40 days for normal admission round appeals after an appeal has been lodged.  At least 10 school days notice will be given of the appeal hearing date and time.
  • For children starting primary school from September 2023: appeals will be heard between 6 June and 19 July 2023 for those that are submitted by the deadline and where possible, for late appeals.  Appeals not heard before 21st July 2023 (the last day of term) will be heard from September 2023 onwards.
Appeal Decision
The appeal panels decision is communicated to parents in writing. This is usually within 5 school days of the appeal hearing. However this may take longer during the summer term.

For more information on the appeals process and / or to lodge an appeal visit https://www.essex.gov.uk/after-your-school-offer/appeals

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