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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion at Hillyfield

Diversity is the understanding of individual difference. This difference might be our gender, race, religion, ability or sexual orientation. Inclusion requires action: at Hillyfield, we aim to ensure that all people in our school community are respected, appreciated and valued. We do this through the lessons we teach and the books we read, the celebrations we acknowledge, the displays we share around the school, the conversations we have with pupils inside and outside the classroom and the visitors and trips we book. There is ongoing training for staff around diversity and inclusion and we draw upon readings from many different texts to support us further.

Diversity and Inclusion Pupil Team

Pupils from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 are invited to apply for a position on our school Diversity and Inclusion Pupil Team each year. Successful applicants work collaboratively to share pupil voice with team leaders, conduct pupil surveys, complete audits and share key messages in their classes and whole school assemblies. This academic year, pupils have met with school governors and hosted a school tour; presented their actions and next steps in a whole school assembly as well as created posters to promote inclusive play outside. Previously, pupils have requested for translated signs around the school and launched South Asian Heritage month after conducting pupil surveys about whole school events at Hillyfield.

Diversity and Inclusion Governors

Our Diversity and Inclusion link governors, Chana and Chong Aik, meet with the team leaders to oversee and evaluate Diversity and Inclusion at Hillyfield, offering support where necessary. Their insightful questions have supported the team in reflecting on practice, ensuring quality provision across all areas of the school.

Anti Racism at Hillyfield

Inclusion requires action. At Hillyfield, we have an Anti Racism investigation policy to ensure that we are addressing any incidents with a thorough and consistent approach. Staff and pupils have documents to refer to in order to support their understanding of racism. We recognise that in order to ensure inclusivity, we must teach students to be anti racist. To supplement the school’s PSHE curriculum, teachers have been provided with anti-racism lessons. These lessons teach students what racism is and how it makes people feel as well as how to stop and prevent racism from happening.  

Please see the documents below:

1: What does Racism Look Like? - Child friends Infographic.  2: What does Racism look like? - Infographic  3: Anti-racism Investigation Flow Infograophic.       

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Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 09.41.59
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Actions and Next Steps

2021-2022 Actions:

  • Develop staff team 

  • To have key information translated into main spoken languages 

  • Complete audits of the books we read and school curriculum to identify areas that need better representation 

  • To ensure all family structures are represented through the books and resources shared with pupils

  • To ensure all cultures and religions are represented and celebrated across the school


2022-2023 Actions:

  • To ensure diversity and inclusion is embedded within all areas of the curriculum by using outcomes from audit tools 

  • To provide staff with relevant and up-to-date readings to support their conversations around racism and homophobia as well as supporting staff to embed diversity and inclusion further into the curriculum


2023-24 Actions:

  • To audit staff recruitment to ensure representation across all levels of staff

  • Anti-Racism action plan - measuring impact

Whole School Events

(please see weekly newsletter for regular updates on school events)

Autumn 1: Black History Month 

The International theme this year is Time for change: Actions not words.

We will be celebrating BHM through celebration, commemoration and education:

  • Celebrating the success of Black achievement

  • Commemorate the learning journey of significant figures and the impact they have had

  • Educate ourselves by learning about how we can be allies to support positive change


Spring 2: International Women’s Day

A whole school, whole day, celebration on the 2023 theme ‘EMBRACE EQUITY’. Pupils will learn about gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping as well as celebrating the success of significant figures, past and present, who have made history. 

Summer 1: International Week Evening (Week Beginning 26th June)

International Evening will be returning this academic year. Each year group will be given a country to study and celebrate during a week long celebration ending with an evening celebration for parents to join. 

Summer 2: South Asian Heritage Month 

South Asian Heritage Month was acknowledged for the first time at Hillyfield in 2022 with lots of success. Pupils were educated about South Asia and their particular country of study, they commemorated the history of the people who live there and celebrated the culture through music, fashion, stories and food. It was wonderful to see so many parents get involved and we hope to have an even bigger celebration in the future.

As well as whole-school events, each class acknowledges a different date from the whole school calendar (calendar to be linked) each term. These celebrations are shared in the school newsletter weekly. 

If you would like to support the school with any of the celebrations, please contact your child’s class teacher.


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