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Our Latest Ofsted Report



Results 2023-24

Early Years Foundation Stage

Good Level of Development: 80%

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Pass Mark: 80% 

Year 2 Phonics Screeing Check Pass Mark: 25%

Key Stage 2 Outcomes

Reading: Expected Standard plus GDS: 93.8%      GDS: 43.8%

Writing: Expected Standard plus GDS: 87.5%        GDS: 6.3%

Maths: Expected Standard plus GDS: 87.5%         GDS: 18.8%

R/W/M Combined: Expected Standard plus GDS: 87.5%        GDS: 6.3%

Results 2022-23

A notice from the Department for Education: School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Good Level of Development: 80%

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Pass Mark: 73% 

Year 2 Phonics Screeing Check Pass Mark: 50%

Key Stage 1 Outcomes

Reading: Expected Standard plus Greater Depth Standard (GDS): 60%        GDS: 25%

Writing: Expected Standard plus GDS: 66%       GDS: 13%

Maths: Expected Standard plus GDS: 66%        GDS: 13%

Key Stage 2 Outcomes

Reading: Expected Standard plus GDS: 73%      GDS: 13%

Writing: Expected Standard plus GDS: 73%        GDS: 0%

Maths: Expected Standard plus GDS: 47%         GDS: 6%

R/W/M Combined: Expected Standard plus GDS: 47%        GDS: 0%

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