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Admissions Policy Statement

Our setting is accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have equal access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.


We ensure that the existence of our setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community.

 We ensure that information about our setting is accessible, using simple plain English, in written and spoken form and where appropriate provided in different community languages and in other formats on request.

 We arrange our waiting list in a request and then birth date order. We will keep parents whose child is on this list regularly updated in order to ensure we can meet all admissions requirements.

Admissions criteria

The priorities below will be used to decide who gets a place:

Priority 1: Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following being looked after.

Priority 2: Children who will have a sibling at the school at the time of admission and who live at the same address, within our catchment area.

Priority 3: Other children living within our catchment area.

Priority 4: Children who will have a sibling at the school at the time of admission who live at the same address, outside our catchment area.

Priority 5: Other children. Siblings Children are ‘siblings’ if they are full, half, adoptive or foster brother or sister living in the same household. Tiebreaker In the event of oversubscription within any priority, place allocation will be decided by prioritising applications on the basis of home to school distance measured in a straight line. Factors not included When we are oversubscribed, the stated admissions criteria are applied to decide which children will be allocated places. Given this, you will need to bear in mind that it does not take account of:

 any connections you or your family may have had with a school

 your profession or your working or child care arrangements

 any reference to a child’s ability or particular aptitude

 performance of schools


We offer funded places in accordance with the Code of Practice for East Sussex Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and any local conditions in place at the time.

 We may keep a place vacant, if this is financially viable, to accommodate an emergency admission.

 Our setting and its practices are welcoming and make it clear that fathers, mothers, other relations and carers are all welcome.

 Our setting and its practices operate in a way that encourages positive regard for and understanding of difference be it gender, family structure, class, background, religion, ethnicity or competence in spoken English.

 We support children and / or parents/carers with disabilities to take full part in all activities within our setting.

 We monitor the needs and background of children joining our setting on the Admissions Form / Expression of Interest Form, to ensure that no accidental or unintentional discrimination takes place. We share and widely promote our Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality Policy.

 We aim to be flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families, providing these do not disrupt continuity and stability in the setting.

 We allocate each child a Key Person so that they can be of continual support to them throughout their time with us.

 We make it clear that failing to comply with our terms and conditions and high expectations may ultimately result in the provision of a place being withdrawn.

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