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Inclusion & SEND

Wadhurst CE Primary School & Nursery is committed to removing barriers to achievement for children who may require additional provision and resources to support their learning and/ or emotional development.

We are an inclusive school and believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and/or a disability, have a common entitlement to a broad, balanced academic and social curriculum. Where possible the curriculum should be accessible and include every child in all aspects of school life.

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice lies at the heart of our school’s SEND strategy and sets out the processes and procedures that all organisations should follow to meet the needs of children. The Code describes a graduated approach that recognises that children learn in different ways and can have different kinds of SEND.

We work hard as a community ensuring a whole school ethos of inclusion where:

  • Where appropriate, all children are actively involved in all activities throughout the day.
  • Time out of the class away from peers is minimised.
  • Equipment and strategies are adapted to ensure equal accessibility to all.
  • Discrete adult support is given to promote independence, appropriate socialisation and to avoid learnt dependency.
  • Opportunities are continually explored for all children to have a voice, shine and experience a creative and memorable curriculum.

Our school values run through our inclusive practice and are key to how we support the children in school:


  • We explore our own needs and consider how they can be met.
  • We Prep4Best so that we can face any challenge with a sense of control.
  • We listen carefully and are eager to know about the world around us.
  • We respond to other people’s views calmly and with kindness.


  • We share and take turns so that everyone feels like they count.
  • We feel comfortable to make and learn from mistakes.
  • We feel capable and celebrate challenge even when things don’t work out the way we hope.


  • We concentrate and do not distract others.
  • We respect other people’s needs and know they might be different to our own.
  • We look after resources with care and appreciate the generosity of others.
  • We welcome everyone into our school community and understand the importance of feeling connected.

The SENDCo at Wadhurst CE Primary School & Nursery is Mrs Julie Paice.  She leads a dedicated team of inclusion staff who support all children with additional needs.

You can contact the SEND Department by contacting the School Office on 01892 783155 or via email, SENCO@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk

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